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Sipping Statement: Collective Action Kölsch

Originally published in The Equity Star monthly newsletter for our September edition. Sign up for our email list to get more stories, recipes, new announcements, and other fun things sent straight to your inbox!

When I started brewing beer and planning a nano-brewery, I knew immediately I wanted to include a German beer on the menu. German beer was one of my earliest loves, thanks to my Grandpa Hoff. A cool, crisp Kölsch reminds me of the days in my Grandpa's kitchen where he taught me about beer and food and family and community.

The Kölsch originated in Köln, Germany and is a top-fermented ale that was brewed to taste and feel much like a lager. Of the German styles, the Kölsch is most appealing to me because of its light fruity-ness and sweet, malty character. It's slightly hoppy, but not bitter. We brew our Kölsch with Pilsner, Munich, and Vienna malts and Magnum and Tettnang hops - and that combination makes this brew my go to beer on most days.

As for Collective Action, this is an important value for us at Equity Brewing Company. Like solidarity, we know that collective action is necessary for social change. Equity in our society can't be achieved without it. And of course, we believe consuming a great beer with your community, in a safe, comfortable, and collective-oriented environment, is ideal. We know collective action isn't easy. But collective, purposeful, positive activity makes this world a better place.

Thumy Phan captures this image beautifully on the Collective Action Kölsch label. I love how it brightly reflects how we can work, piece by piece, to solve our puzzles collectively. And when that happens, it feels just like the taste of a crisp Kölsch in my Grandpa's toasty kitchen.


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