Originally published in The Equity Star monthly newsletter for our October edition. Sign up for our email list to get more stories, recipes, new announcements, and other fun things sent straight to your inbox!

We are so lucky to have such exceptional staff members here at Equity Brewing Co. If you have been in our taproom recently you have surely gotten to know and probably love some of them. But, if you haven't, please let us introduce you! Read on to learn about our awesome staff members and swing by soon to say hi in person.
Tevin (He/Him) – Tevin is a Black Organizer and advocate for those who are continually marginalized. Along with bringing positive energy to the taproom, Tevin is a firm believer in equity and justice as well as a passionate poet! Shelby (She/They) – Shelby is among the newer faces at Equity. While this is their first time working in a taproom, their love for beer began while they were completing their Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts in Colorado. In their spare time, Shelby enjoys attending concerts, thrift shopping, and spending time with their children (i.e. their lizards). The idea of equity in the workplace, to Shelby, means empowering and lifting up the voices that would otherwise be overshadowed in order for them to create the kinds of changes necessary to make our world a better place. Shelby has a heart for disability services and is sure to make their mark on everyone who comes through Equity’s doors. Sam (They/Them) – According to Sam, a workplace that makes equity a priority is one that has a supportive, respectful, and open environment where the dignity of each person, customer and employee alike, is actively affirmed. To find such a place as Equity Brewing is rare in the current economic climate and to find a place like this in Oklahoma feels like a true miracle to Sam. A member of our managing staff, Sam finds their home primarily in the Equity Kitchen but they’re also happy to pour a beer for you! At home, Sam works in freelance web design and cares for their family: two dogs (Mr. Watson Dale and Nugget Arthur), one cat (Oliver Wendell Holmes), and one wife (Elizabeth). Other things you can spot Sam taking part in is community activism and close-up magic, “depending on the vibe,” they say. So come see Sam, and maybe the coin they find behind your ear can go toward your next pint! Emma (She/They) – The most recent addition to the taproom, Emma is a lover of memoirs and a (re)watcher of cheesy TV shows! If she’s having any of the beers at Equity, you can probably count on it being a Strawberry Basil Blonde! To Emma, enacting equity in the workplace is about believing in a better future enough to commit to challenging current power structures. It also involved advocating for yourself and others and putting the needs of others above one’s own privilege. Come break the ice with Emma and ask them what their favorite Lucy Dacus song is. Caleb (He/Him) – Caleb is among the masterminds behind Equity’s delicious baked goods. You won’t often see him at work during the day, but you will be sure to see the inventive fruits of labor in the pastry case! Caleb believes that equity in the workplace stretches beyond the walls of the business, where an active influence can be seen in the community and where the employees are able to feel like the day-to-day operations are actually impactful. He is happy to have found such a place to be, and we are thrilled to experience his lively presence (and tasty samples). Michael (He/Him) – Michael is one of our kitchen staff managers, creating delicious dishes for our customers. You can also catch him riding his bike to work! Avery (He/Him) – Equity’s taproom manager, Avery is typically seen behind the bar; though, he has also been branching into life behind the scenes – taking baby steps to learn how to brew. You will also find him whipping out his moisture meter and checking on the plants from time to time. One of the things he loves most about working at Equity is learning to see the world through the myriad perspectives of those who walk through the door. According to Avery, it is the understanding that we all experience the world in different ways that makes the idea of equity so important. To get to know him, ask him what new albums he’s been listening to, how his fantasy football leagues are going (crushing it), and what his streak is on Duolingo (as of now, it is 682). Kelly (She/They) – Kelly has recently become Suzette's assitant, taking on some brewing and cellaring responsibilities and generally keeping the brewery in tip-top shape! You can thank her for her help in brewing the delicious Hoffbrew Festbier – our Oktoberfest beer this year! One thing about Kelly is that she has never met a stranger, and it is her friendly, relaxed, conversational style that keeps people coming back to Equity (among other things, of course!). Kelly graduated from OU in 2023 with a dual degree in Microbiology and Environmental Studies. Working at Equity has allowed Kelly to combine her passions of science, art, and social justice with the incredible Norman community to help her bring social justice to all. Other fun aspects of Kelly are that she loves cooking, baking, hiking, and collecting way too many plants!